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오픽 오픽 모의고사 17 (난이도 1-1)

페이지 정보

작성자 진짜녀석들 작성일 23-12-27 13:24 조회 876 댓글 0


진쌤이 직접 본 오픽 시험을 모의고사로 제공합니다.

- 난이도: 1-1

- 목표: IL

00:00 : 모의고사 가이드

00:24 : 1번

01:34 : 2번

02:49 : 3번

04:02 : 4번

05:23 : 5번

06:37 : 6번

07:46 : 7번

09:02 : 난이도 재조정

09:19 : 8번

10:43 : 9번

12:05 : 10번

13:44 : 11번

15:04 : 12번

1. Let’s start the interview now. Tell me something about yourself.

2. What kinds of things do people do in their free time? What are some popular activities?

3. Who do you spend your free time with? Your parents? Your friends? Who else?

4. I would like to now talk about where you live. Can you describe your home to me? give me a good description of your home.

5. What things do you have in your living room? A sofa? A chair? What else?

6. Tell me about some of the holidays in your country.

7. When are some holidays in your country? June? July? What other months?

8. You indicated in the survey that you go to parks with adults. Describe one of your favorite parks. Tell me where it is and what it looks like. Describe the park for me.

9. What do you do at the park? Do you inline skate in the park? Do you play baseball in the park? What do you do in the park?

10. I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You are visiting New York on vacation. You go to a car rental agency to rent a car. Imagine that you are speaking to the rental car agent and ask three or four questions about renting a car for a week.

11. Describe your country’s geography for me. Are there mountains? Lakes? Or rivers? What is your country like?

12. I live in western Canada. Ask me three or four questions about the geography of my area.

전체 150건 1 페이지
게시물 검색

진짜녀석들 정보

회사소개 개인정보처리방침 서비스약관 고객센터

㈜진짜녀석들 | 사업자번호 : 881-87-00735 |
통신판매업신고번호 : 2019-서울송파-0766 호
원격 평생교육시설 : 서울특별시 강동송파교육지원청(제원격–125호)
주소 : 서울시 송파구 법원로4길 5, 226호
대표이사 : 박영진 | 개인정보관리책임자 : 박영진
고객센터 : 카카오톡 > 진짜녀석들 | 제휴문의 : cs@jinjja-eng.com

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